Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Sky Is The Limit


Some days I feel like I would just like to walk around with my camera and take pictures but most days I forget I have a phone with a camera.  One day we were driving home and I decided to walk to the front of the house. I looked up and saw this photo in my mind but I needed the correct angle.  It was the giant oak standing above the house tops in the neighborhood. I have been trying to get back into my writing and it is going well.  

I started a new job where I am running the coffee house at a huge pharmaceutical company.  The campus has about ten thousand people working there. It is a nice place and I have fun practicing my craft.  I have been working on the East Coast working my way through some kitchens. I have met some great people along the way but I also met some people with issues.  I have my own issues and seek to not bring them into work. I had one chef who would try to bully me and I did not like that and walked out. The owner called me back and said the chef was gone or let go.  He apparently did this before and they had enough of his bullying. I would suggest you take notes to protect yourself because people who act out to others believe they can get away with their actions. Another cook was always throwing dishes around and I finally slapped shot the dish back at him and then verbally assaulted him.  I tried to get him to stop and the supervisor heard everything. I eventually left that kitchen, we will talk about them more in a book. 
I have felt that I have had a plan for my life and the plan came from God.  I know coffee and now I am better able to cook in an industrial environment.  I believe I was accomplished in my previous life as a pastor and cafe/bistro owner.  I have been experimenting and perfecting my food. I was beaten down because I was made to feel I should not be a minister of the Gospel and I believe I was being attacked.  I was able to fall and I landed on my feet just like a cat. My name means “Lion Like“. I was born in August and my sign is Leo. More than that, I am follower of Jesus. He paid for all of my sin and I do not have to be good enough because he was sinless and died for me.  He is my resume!
So my plan and the title of this is The Sky Is The Limit.  My desire is to follow what God has for my life and build a training center for our Native people.  I want to help them to achieve their dreams as I continue to build mine. I know some people will say things like, “Who does he think he is?”  My answer is I am an Oglala Lakota/Sioux Man with many skills, chef, barista, theologian, writer, author, photographer, and philosopher. But the one thing that I am fully is a Son of The Most High and my savior and Lord is Jesus.  If you have issues with me talk to God about them because I will be about building the Kingdom of God! Wopila or Thank You

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