Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Ok,  I am starting a new blog on my old blog because I have a few people from the Old Rez Ramblings.  I have been watching Trump tell people to go back to where they are from.  I was a boy in the inner -city and it was a racist thing to tell people when I was a boy in the seventies.  I am from the Oglala Sioux Tribe from the middle of the United States.  I do not know where Orange People come from but Trump was wrong because he was not liking our country during the Obama years(I long for those years).  Trump is a bad person and his words have proven that he is a Racist.  I would never in my mind would ever think a President of the USA would be confronted with Racism.  I have seen some Republicans with their Head in the Sand.  I want to be clear I am a Democrat since Trump was elected.  He is pure evil and full of issues.  So this is where I start my off the Rez Ramblings, I am living on the East Coast.  I work with lots of great people.  Not all European or white people are bad.  I will stop here but I wanted to say Trump is a Racist.  So it begins talking about or writing about my experiences of being in an American Cultural Context.  I hope to be among my family and friends.  I believe I have been on a sabbatical of sorts.   I will be building most of my posts to develop my next book!


Unknown said...

Name me one white person who isn't evil in nature---and thus a bad person. Name just one. You can't because you don't know any.

Rez Ramblings said...

My girlfriend and my friend Joey but he is a gypsy!